Keep healthy and do some marketing

In the middle of the beautiful early spring season - empty streets, quiet cafes, closed boutiques. Schools and event arenas are empty, only the grocery store is still buzzing. The effects of COVID-19 are visible in everyone's everyday life, all around the world.
Small business are in a really tight spot now, as the business planned for the spring disappeared in days. Our clients are these small businesses. We ourselves run a small business. Even if the illness hopefully passes us all health-wise, it now affects us all. It is important now that, once the epidemic is over, we still have small businesses.
So do the shopping you need from a small entrepreneur - order online, buy an online course or a gift voucher, eat a home delivery lunch! Local businesses have already come up with many new ways to serve you during this emergency - use these services if you can!
And if you are a small business entrepreneur who now has plenty of time because you can't do the work you usually do: get ahead in marketing! This crisis will be over one day, and when life is back on track, you'll have a good chance to get up and running really quickly.
At Chase & Snow we provide a wide range of marketing help and services including websites, marketing planning, print materials, advertising and campaigns. Just ask us! Payment in installments and over time can be agreed flexibly and all work can be done remotely. Just contact us if the situation permits and let's see how we could help. We are here for you, be there an epidemic or not!
Stay healthy!
Lumia and Dominik / Chase & Snow Oy