
Flyers are straighforward advertising products which can be handed out or even used as small posters in stores or other notice boards. We design flyers in all sizes, for all purposes and always especially for your company's needs!

Puu- ja Pihapalvelu Tikka brochure, tree services
Flyer esimerkki - Flyer for garden builders

Flyer - finished Projects

Puu- ja Pihapalvelu Tikka brochure, tree services

We recently had the pleasure of creating flyers for a garden building and tree maintenance company. They tend to all kinds of trees in gardens and…

Vendia Print Materials by Chase & Snow

We were asked to create business cards and stickers for our client. Vendia Woods. 

Our team used the client's already existing logo and…

Print materials for an osteopath in Helsinki

It was a pleasure to work with osteopath Tikli Oikarinen in Helsinki and create their business cards and flyers. The client shared their beautiful…

Metsäpalvelu Juho Tähkänen Print Materials

The young & talented logger-entrepreneur Juho Tähkänen needed in addition to the website and logo also some print materials for local…

Heikkilan Juustola Prints Rollup

A set of print materials for the organic dairy company Heikkilän Juustola. Based on their logo and colour world we created designs for

Humuspehtoori brochure

Our client Humuspehtoori needed to update their print material to reflect their new look, story and services. We prepared for them


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